Sync communication method
flowchart LR
A[Alice] <--> H[HTTP Relay]
H[HTTP Relay] <--> B[Bob]
Sync communication method provides HTTP client to HTTP client synchronous data exchange. Peers can exchange request body and URL query parameters. Two requests can exchange data on any HTTP method.
Communication Sequence Diagram
Exchanged URL query parameters and values are stored in the response header field httprelay-query
participant A as Alice
participant H as HTTP Relay Server
participant B as Bob
par Request
A->>H: GET sync/mychan?myparam=A
B->>H: GET sync/mychan?myparam=B
par Response
H->>A: httprelay-query: myparam=B
H->>B: httprelay-query: myparam=A
par - block parts are parallel and can happen in any order.