Proxy communication method
flowchart LR
A[Client acting as a server] <--> H[HTTP Relay]
A[Client acting as a server] <--> H[HTTP Relay]
H[HTTP Relay] <--> B[Client]
communication method allows an HTTP client to act as a server.
Using this method you can turn web browser or any other HTTP client into a server.
Communication Sequence Diagram
“Server” side is using a custom SERVE
HTTP request method.
participant A as Server side
participant H as HTTP Relay Server
participant B as Client side
par Client side request
A->>H: SERVE proxy/mychan
B->>H: GET proxy/mychan
H->>+A: Client side request data
Note left of A: Handling request
A->>-H: SERVE proxy/mychan
Note left of H: Server side response data
H->>B: Server side response data
par - block parts are parallel and can happen in any order.
Examples are using HTTP Relay JavaScript library
- Basic usage
- Interactive page
- File sharing
- Web browser as a REST API server
- Web page asset loading methods